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Adobe highlights the 60fps power of Flash gaming thanks to AIR 3.2 SDK

Check out Waste Invaders source code
Adobe highlights the 60fps power of Flash gaming thanks to AIR 3.2 SDK

Adobe is aggressively promoting its AIR 3.2 SDK by showing a slew of new or updated Flash-based games, most notably Waste Invaders.

Free-to-play on the Adobe Gaming website, the colourful shump from developer Waste Creative looks great on the iPad 2, running at a fast 60fps.

According to Adobe, AIR 3.2 renders 1,000 times faster than AIR 2 and offers better 2D and 3D support.

Most importantly, the Waste Invaders' source code is downloadable for ambitious wannabe Adobe AIR developers to dissect.

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Other games using the new AIR SDK include the hit Machinarium, the children's title Winter on Whale Island, and the physics game Spaced Away.

"The number of AIR-based apps on iOS and Android was up seven times the previous year," Diana Helander, product marketing manager of Adobe Gaming Solutions, told

Games made using Adobe AIR are also popping up on smart TVs by Samsung and other manufacturers. In this way, Adobe is battling Unity and other engines for cross-platform supremacy.

The new AIR 3.2 SDK supports iOS, Android, and BlackBerry, as well as non-traditional Android off-shoots like the Barnes & Noble Nook and Amazon's Kindle Fire.

A list of all the new and updated Adobe AIR 3.2-based games can be found on Adobe's Gaming website.